Sunday, January 22, 2017

[SOLVED] 1&1 Domain and /defaultsite redirecting

The domain that I've initially registered with 1&1 which I've transferred to another registrar kept on redirecting to "*.com/defaultsite". I thought I could just search (grep) the file in the system that's causing this redirection. Unfortunately, I was not able to solve this way.

Searching the web for solution, I found individuals having the same problem. It seems that most of them, if not all, have registered with 1&1. This was not an issue with 1&1 but it seems, with my limited knowledge, they are the only one that is using "/defaultsite" URL path.

Defaultsite issues

The solution offered by members of certain forums that I've visited was not able to solve the issue either. Some have suggested to restart the router to clear the DNS entries. Some have suggested it has something to do with 1&1 and that the name servers should point correctly to the new one. I have verified that it is correct, since it was calling the 404 page of the Ghost blog app that I've installed.

I've revisited a forum that I've quickly skimmed over and read the last solution hidden from the pagination. It was there that the a user was telling the original poster to just clear the browser's cache. Voila, it worked indeed. This should have been standard procedure for me.

TL;DR: Clear the browser's cache.


  1. This still doesn't work for me, and I have also tried using different devices to verify...

  2. Look for http-equiv="Refresh" in your home page and comment it out or get rid of it.


    Steve Pringle

  3. hey,when amin wordpress admin and try to click visit site,it shows me a blank page and in the URL,i see some thing like this,ma site name and .com/defaultsite,am new in this and would like to get rid ofit,could anyone please give me an a-z guide,i will be grateful
